Full Moon in Aquarius August 1, 2023
Hi there! (Below are the messages I received during the session)
Happy Super Full Moon in Aquarius! Our session will be at the peak of the full moon at 2:31 PM EDT on August 1, 2023.
Today marks the first of two full moons this month. It's an important time to be honest with ourselves, so we can establish authentic connections with others. We need to find a balance between taking care of others and making sure our own cup is full. During this full moon, it's a great opportunity to reflect on how society has influenced us. We often learn from those around us, but it's important to recognize that we are all unique individuals with our own paths to follow. Let's use this time to break away from patterns that may be holding us back and embrace our true selves. During this session, you'll be able to identify your true friends and acquaintances. We're processing our emotions by transforming them, which will allow us to move towards a better future. These changes don't mean we're mistreating others; we should continue to love everyone unconditionally. Aquarius energy is focused on the collective consciousness, and as we become more authentic, we have the ability to change how we think as a group. Now is a time for spiritual growth, and we should embrace our true selves and share them with the world without fear.
Happy full moon, ya'll!
Cheers to acknowledging and being your highest self!
Collective Downloads
Here are the messages I RECEIVED during our session. Please know these are collective MEssages so Please only take within what resonates with you.
As a collective that is going higher in consciousness, Spirit is asking us not to react to appearances. "What does that mean?", you may ask yourself. When you see a friend going through a tough time financially, see beyond their physical reality. There is no need to judge them because we are abundant; sometimes we forget that we are. Instead, practice Feeling God's PRESENCE. "How do I do this? ", you may ask. Through contemplation of the Nature of the Divine.
Growing up, the teachings I learned about God often highlighted his judgmental nature. “If I don’t go to church on Sabbaths and keep the Sabbath, I will go to HELL”, I remembered thinking as a child. How SCARY! Living right was based on appeasing God so that I was not punished.
Fear-based programming has been pushed upon many of us. We see often in social media where opinions are spewed out and often drenched in groupthink. Our society loves to judge and put down others as a collective. It is so sad to see how we turn on people at a drop of a hat.
This full moon is really asking us to think for ourselves. It will help us as a collective because we are all unique individuals with our own stories to tell. How can you begin to operate in your most authentic self? Sometimes it requires us to remove ourselves from individuals, social platforms, and environments that require us to all act the same way. I am not asking you to scream out how different you are from the rooftops. But to truly practice feeling your truth and then operating in it. Living in your authentic self allows you to practice being in the Divine’s presence. Showing up as yourself is allowing you to feel accepted, loved, and encouraged by yourself. Self-love is the key to being you-nique ( so corny, but I had to be authentic haha).
This is a wonderful time to acknowledge your truths and give yourself the divine grace that is always here for you. You are a Divine, unique aspect of God.
I worked the most with the throat chakra during this Aquarius full moon session. This is the area where our voice, contemplations, and the opinions we hear from others come to play. Spirit is asking us to remove any false pretenses, or thoughts that come from others.
Pin this Image if you agree Groupthink is boring, authenticity is key!
I received a visual during our session where someone was looked down upon because they are living an abundant life. How sad! When others openly criticize you for thriving, this is a perfect time to practice being in the presence. See them in their Highest form, not from the God-fearing form, but like the nature all around us, ever-evolving, growing, and transforming. That is available to all of us.
Know that you are beyond the judgment or down-turned eyes caused by jealousy. Everyone is actually abundant, but we are taught to live by fear and lack. Reprogramming this within allows others to see how attainable it is for them.
I was also called to say that desperation can cause more blockages. As we all continue to reprogram and move beyond restrictions and lack, release any situations that you feel you HAVE to do something to feel welcomed, loved, or abundant. All of these things are ALWAYS true. Practice being and see what beautiful opportunities come to you through divine grace.
You are always guided, loved, and safe. Trust in yourself and live your truth.
Please note this is a group session; only take within what resonates with you.
So much love,
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