Healing Through Reiki
The Energy/The Life Force/The Ki
When someone is in pain, most people's first instinct is to place their hands on that human or animal to provide comfort or relief. It is our natural instinct. The living body radiates warmth and energy. This energy is bio-magnetic and is the life force itself; it creates the body and determines its state of health and has amazed us and kept us in wonder for many lifetimes. All living things are infused with energy; from the time we are conceived, this energy permeates our bodies. This energy goes by many names, such as ki, chi, prana, and soul. As a species, we have been fascinated by this energy and its power over every being. Different disciplines have been developed to interact and balance this energy. Reiki, Qigong, Tai Chi, Meditation, Yoga, and Feng Shui are some of the most common ways to enhance the flow of this energy.
How does Reiki work?
Reiki comes from the Japanese words "rei," meaning universal, and "ki," meaning life energy. What sets Reiki apart from other forms of touch therapy are the attunements that the practitioner receives. These attunements open the channels in an individual, so they directly connect with the universal life force. After an attunement, these channels are open forever. The Reiki practitioner places their hands on or just above the person to heal. The Ki energy does the rest, without any direction from the practitioner, flowing through the healer's hands. It is not drawn from the healer or her aura but the life source. The healer may or may not know what needs healing, but the energy has an intelligence far beyond humans and will go where needed. Science has shown that the energy field around the body certainly exists. Furthermore, scientists have now begun to understand the roles of energy fields in health and disease. Energy healing uses heart-based emotion (such as love and compassion) with a directed intention (utilizing the brain's electromagnetic field), resulting in an avenue for noninvasive measures for healing.
The practitioner conducts universal energy out through their hands, which flows into the client's body. When a practitioner and client come together, they are the two oscillating/vibrating objects. In physics, entrainment is the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase to vibrate in harmony. For example, if two clocks close to each other swung their pendulums at different rates, eventually, they would end up swinging in sync at the exact same rate. Every cell in our body and every atom in the Universe is in a constant state of vibration. There is a tendency for two objects is to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. In most cases, the weaker of the two oscillating objects will tend to adjust to the stronger vibration, which would be the Reiki energy.
How do you perform Reiki from a distance?
The significant teaching of Reiki Level II is distance or absentee healing. Reiki distant healing is a technique in which patients can obtain Reiki healing treatment at home while their Reiki healer may reside anywhere across the globe. If your friend is in Canada with an earache and you want to help her from Georgia, distance healing is the way. Absentee healing is a process of visualization in the meditative state and using a representation of the person to be healed, like a photograph or an object that reminds you of the person. There are as many ways to do distance healing as there are healers, and absentee healing is not something invented by Reiki. What makes Reiki's use of distance healing unique is the Reiki symbols and some specific Reiki techniques.
Quantum Entanglement refers to a phenomenon observed by physicists, in which two elementary particles, emitted from the same source, remain aware of each other even after distant separation so that an action on one causes the same effect in both. This observation was famously called "spooky action at a distance" by Einstein. The common understanding has been that the 'mind' or 'consciousness' resides in the brain, localized. However, quantum physics suggests otherwise: that even the smallest particles have awareness (consciousness) of each other. This idea of nonlocal awareness or nonlocal mind is gaining support due to a growing body of evidence and gives insight into distant healing "as a manifestation of nonlocal awareness." Research shows that a person's focused intentions can directly influence another physiological body from far away. We still are unsure of the mechanisms involved, but results show considerable implications for our ability to facilitate healing in others.
Distant healing energy can get transferred over long distances because we are all connected through a shared consciousness.
What happens during and after the healing?
Reiki does not come from the healer but from the Universe through the practitioner to the recipient. The only person who can heal someone is oneself. Healing can only happen in one's own body. A healer only channels the energy, which the receiver can use in any way best for their needs on all of the body's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Reiki deals with the evident pain and the cause of the pain. Sometimes after healing or during a series of healings, the person or pet receiving Reiki treatment begins to detoxify. This release from the body removes disease-causing toxins, should be supported rather than stopped, and does no harm.
The practitioner can never take credit for what happens in the healing. In fact, sometimes nothing happens or is perceptible at the time. Likewise, the healer is not responsible if no healing takes place. There may be a very good reason for this. A healer does not heal someone, but along with the recipient, allows the universal life force energy to do its wonderful works. No healing can occur without the receiver's agreement and participation in the process.
Who can benefit from Reiki?
Anyone can benefit from Reiki, whether young, old or frail. Elders, infants, and children respond well to Reiki healing, as do pets and plants. If anyone is ill, in pain, or emotional distress, Reiki helps. For the person or pet that is healthy, Reiki relaxes and rejuvenates. The positions balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and balance all the chakras and the energy field. They clear and increase the animal or human body's flow of life force, Ki.
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Excerpt From: Diane Stein. "Essential Reiki." Apple Books.