Daily Download | November 1, 2022

Collective Message

Today’s energy for the collective really spoke to seeing beyond the current noise around us. The noise is widespread; for a lot, it is painful, deceitful, worrisome energy that can bring your mind into dark places. But underneath all of that thinking is something that is so much more real. It is this the “peace that passes all understanding.” It is love. I genuinely ask you to ask yourself what is true for you.

What makes your heart feel at peace? What does the most incredible version of God feel like to you? For me, God is straight peace. I enjoy feeling good, lol. For others, it might feel like love. Every day it can vary depending on what you may need. You may need to expand and explore. Tapping into that frequency that keeps you aligned with God when life feels wrong is a game-changer.

Tapping into the Healing Frequencies

How do you tap into that peace when life throws its *ish at you? Here are a few of my go-tos:


  • It brings you into the Oneness by removing yourself from the outward noise and spending some alone time to connect with your Soul

  • It brings you to the awareness of who you truly are,

  • It allows you to hear what you are currently thinking. Is it true for you?

  • It allows you to release the thoughts that no longer serve you.

Listen to healing frequencies

  • Binaural and Soffegio frequencies are my go-to music when I feel the need to Connect divinely. They offer a calmness that is like no other.

  • Here is my YouTube Playlist of healing frequencies and binaural beats I enjoy.


  • I will send a simple prayer where I tell Source, Great Spirit, God, my Highest Self, to take over completely and totally.


  • Try out listening to lectures and reading books from spiritual teachers, healers, and philosophers who feel right and aligned with my Soul and Spiritual Journey. So many great insights are out there that will keep you grounded in what is true for you.

These are just some quick tips to stay connected during troubling times. Personally, my ultimate goal is to connect with All that I Am when using them. Through them, I can release control of my mind from my carnal self and hand it over to my highest Self. It always brings great relief. This connection with Presence is what truly makes your world better, and your world can positively affect every single thing out there. Never negate your power.

Any tips, comments, or questions you have, please share them below.


Daily Download | November 2, 2022


Healing Through Reiki