Daily Download | November 2, 2022

Collective Message

What if everything you are doing, everything you are experiencing, everything you are interacting with is the right thing for you?

What if nothing has gone wrong?

Can you start believing that everything is always working out for you? Even when things feel awful, and life is not “going your way,” what if it is exactly what you need? I know that can be hard to see in those hard moments, but I want you to look back at past “hard” times and see the outcome from a different perspective. Ask yourself to become aware of what good came out of this. Did this “negative” event force you to move in a direction that ultimately helped you? And you might not see it right now, but I want you to set a reminder for a month from today to ask yourself the question, “What good came out of this situation?”

You might begin to see how everything ALWAYS works out for you.

Trusting Your Intuition

Sometimes life can be challenging, and you really have no idea what to do. That is ok! Often when it feels like there is no direction, you naturally/automatically do the things you need to get done unbeknownst to you. It can feel like you’re in a great mystery sometimes, and no one can help you. But you are never alone.

Can you begin to trust that even if you are not moving at the pace of those around you, you are moving in the right direction for yourself? Nothing has gone wrong. You are on the right track for YOU! My idea of life is that we are all extensions of God, living a unique aspect of the Infinite that can only be fulfilled by you! How amazing is that? That means you can never get it wrong.

Again, I need to emphasize that you are never alone! Try and go back to the tips I gave yesterday when you feel like the world is against you. Meditate, Pray, Listen to Music, and even DANCE!

Whatever you decide to do, know that you ALWAYS have God! Peace is always readily available. All you have to do is say I am open to the flow of Love or Peace or Grace. That flow can take over and bring you what you need when you need it!

I love you very much, and I am so happy that you are on this journey with me!

Always all of the best to you,


If you have any tips, comments, or questions on how you are exactly where you need to be, please share them below.

Below are links to a daily or a one-one session with me.


Daily Download | November 3, 2022


Daily Download | November 1, 2022