Daily Download | November 3, 2022

Collective Message

How can you begin to release control and allow God/Source/Your Highest Power to take over? In what ways can you recognize the Infinite Power within you is always willing and ready to handle anything that might come your way? Feeling like you are losing control? Maybe that isn’t a bad thing.

Try this Breathing Practice

Pause. Breathe in for 4 (1…2…3…4). Breathe out for 4 (4…3…2…1). As you breathe in and out, begin to focus on the sound of your breath. Nothing else matters at this moment but your connection with your Higher Power. There is no need to fear; there is no need to run. Your Highest Power has the highest desire for your being, always.

Relinquishing Control

Your divinity has the power to keep an eye on all things for you. Trust that power will tell you whatever you need to know when you need to know it. Doesn’t that bring such sweet relief?

Honestly, lately, my thoughts have been focused on different past hurts, rejections, and judgments. I recognize these recurring thoughts are not helping me but are causing more pain and resentment. At first, they allowed me to see areas in my life that needed growth, resolution, and removal. But constant shadow work, where we only observe the wrong in our lives, can keep us from the bliss that is always within.

Do you have moments where the thoughts of the past begin to consume and bring you down the hurt or hate train? It is time to let that go—no need to punish yourself for your feelings or feel like you are doing anything wrong. You are not. It is just time to go to the next level of growth. This growth is beyond psychological training. It can lead to spiritual, sweet release.

You can call on divine support whenever you need it. That support can lead you to know that thoughts are just thoughts. They come and go. Afterwhile you forget what you’re even thinking about. The words in our heads are only here for a moment. If they are so fleeting, there is no need for them to have control over our lives or govern our emotions. That divine support will help you realize there is nothing you need to fear, whether it is a thought from you or from someone else.

Having a moment when your thoughts are not helping you? Do not feel bad, and recognize they are just thoughts. Once you realize they don’t have control, you can return to a place of peace. Begin to breathe, using the 4-count practice, in and out.

As you release the control, you surrender to your Highest Power that wants the best for you. Everything that you need will be taken care of, and everything that needs to be removed will be removed. Don’t feel you have to force anything or try to figure it all out. Just release control; your unique divine process will happen naturally. Although you might not see how things will work out on a practical level, these uncomfortable experiences allow you to step fully into the arms of your Creator’s power.

Today, I am asking you to Trust the Process. THIS TAKES PRACTICE. You might not feel the relief right away. It might take time to figure out what exactly helps you feel that true connection with Source and how that manifests in your life. And even when you practice it more and more, there will be days when you might still want to give up. But keep moving into your place of ZEN, peace, love, whatever may feel like God for you.

Spirit is giving so much love to us today during the session. Continue to have courage when things leave your life. It is for you. Be as honest with yourself as possible, and trust that everything will always work out for you. I love you very much, and I am so happy that you are on this journey with me!

Always all of the best to you,


If you have any tips, comments, or questions on how to release control and your thoughts, please share them below.

Below are links to a daily or a one-one session with me.


Daily Download | November 4, 2022


Daily Download | November 2, 2022